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The final of European rugby's premier club competition takes place at Twickenham Stadium, London, England French Top 14 rivals La Rochelle targeting a maiden European Cup triumph and fourtime champions Toulouse do battle in the Heineken Champions Cup finalLONDON, ENGLAND MAY 22 Antoine Dupont and Jerome Kaino of Toulouse lifts the Heineken Champions Cup during the Heineken Champions Cup Final between La Rochelle and Toulouse at Twickenham Stadium on in London, England A limited number of fans will be allowed into the stadium as Coronavirus restrictions begin to ease in the UK The holders, Stade Toulousain, will be up against Wasps and Cardiff Rugby in the pool stage of next season's Heineken Champions Cup following the pool draw for the 21/22 tournament which was held today (Wednesday 21 July) in Lausanne, Switzerland Stade Toulousain, who completed the Heineken Champions Cup and TOP 14 double last month for

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